Supply & Trading
OLA Energy Supply DMCC), located at the Headquarters office in Dubai, is the trade and supply arm of our Group. OLA Energy Supply DMCC centralizes the refined products supply function, both to maximize economies of scale and, wherever possible, to optimize deliveries to group companies in accordance with their requirements. OLA Energy Supply DMCC has a worldwide portfolio of major commercial partners and averages about 2.0 Billion Euros in turnover. The global network of OLA Energy Supply DMCC has commercial activities in the energy market around the Mediterranean, Africa, Middle East and Singapore. The company has approvals for the supply and trade with major oil companies, refineries and national commercial companies.
There are two distinct operations of OLA Energy Supply DMCC:
The supply operation’s task is to ensure efficient and economical supply of OLA Energy affiliates with their products requirements (within the limitations of local regulations and restrictions).
The trading operation deals with 3rd parties, and is a major partner of the Libyan National Oil Corporation for imports into and exports from Libya of crude and refined products.